About this site...

This is a limited (but growing) collection of notes and resources relating to my somewhat limited (15 year) former career as an instructor of introductory engineering courses for civil engineering technologists in a two-year diploma program(me) in Canada.

And some other oddball (though conceivably educational) material that has caught my interest along the way. (Warning: I am a math nerd.)

Check back occasionally: this collection may grow on you.

Please email dave at dmorg dot org , with error/typo in the subject field, if or (more likely) when you stumble across typos and/or inaccuracies.

This site is currently being rebuilt. Navigation links with strikethrough text indicate material that is planned but has not yet been added to the site.

As material is added, it is listed (and linked) below. This may save you time when exploring for new content:

  • A Vaccine Efficacy Calculator demonstrating the simple mathematics for calculating the efficacy of a vaccine from the percentage of the population vaccinated and the percentage of those who died that were vaccinated. Added 20th January, 2022.